Welcome to flashrom's file upload service
Please post only flashrom/coreboot/seabios or other firmware related contents.
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You can either post text output of lspci, flashrom etc., or a binary file like a bios blob.
Text files and pastes will be available for public download, binaries can NOT be downloaded to prevent abuse.
You can post your text-only pasta (no file upload) via curl like that:
curl --data-urlencode "pasta@/path/to/paste/file" --data-urlencode "nick=yournickname" --data-urlencode "captcha=currentdayofmonth" https://paste.flashrom.org/
Last pastes
other for unknown by vvvvvvv
other for Ukrainian News by ukranews
other for unknown by vvvvvvvv
other for unknown by HeyLocate
flash for Notebook NV41MZ by Guest86
flash for ch341a_spi by soulnull
other for unknown by Новости Казахстана
other for Ексклюзивні новини футболу by zbirnanews
other for Новини футболу by Sport Express
other for unknown by Ukr Football
flash for NEO Z100-0db by RobAtHome
other for Fanday News by Fanday News
other for unknown by vvvvvvv
flash for google/lulu by MrChromebox
flash for google/lulu by MrChromebox
flash for google/lulu by MrChromebox
flash for Goo by daftaupe
flash for GOOGLE Lulu by daftaupe
lspci for unknown by ByteCode
other for unknown by vvvvvvvvvv
flash for unknown by sczr
flash for ATLAS by MrChromebox
flash for Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. B450 GAMING X by snipem
other for Kevin Kelly Legacy Advisors by kevinkelly
flash for RD350 by ASwift
flash for RD350 by ASwift
other for unknown by vvvvvvvv
flash for ch341a_spi by matu6968
flash for ch341a_spi by matu6968
flash for ch341a_spi by matu6968
flash for Dell KYWH7 (P&Q E162264) by Guest20
flash for Clevo V560TU by mkc
other for unknown by vvvvvvvvvv
flash for Lenovo M600 by timschumi
flash for R14FA1 by tuxedo_ggo
other for unknown by vvvvvvvv
other for unknown by anonymous
flash for unknown by nbadal
flash for hp 8200 mt by milly
other for bbbbbbb by vvvvvvv
other for jzz_pk by jzzpk
flash for ty3r0x by ty3r0x
other for unknown by hhhhhhhh
flash for stm32 bluepill by Frankenstein
flash for PICO dirtyjtag by Frankenstein
flash for P7P55D by anonymous
other for unknown by ggggggggg
other for unknown by ONLY THE BEST
other for unknown by vvvvvvv
other for unknown by anonymous
bin for Momoh Nasiru muritala by anonymous
lspci for unknown by PaulePanter
other for unknown by vvvvvvvv
flash for linux_spi by Guest12
flash for linux_spi by Guest12
other for unknown by xxxxxxxx
flash for Gigabyte AX370M-DS3H by shandower
flash for unknown by medi
flash for unknown by medi
flash for unknown by medi
flash for Dell 0PC5F7 A02 (Optiplex 9020 MT) by Guest67
other for unknown by anonymous
other for unknown by nnnnnnnn
flash for IS25WP080 erase by anonymous
flash for IS25WP080 write 2 by anonymous
flash for IS25WP080 write by Hacc
flash for MX25L1006E flash for VL805-Q6 by thepig4603
flash for flashrom by dm--
flash for flashrom by dm--
flash for unknown by fnetx
other for unknown by vvvvvvvv
flash for PC Engines APU 1 by shandower
other for unknown by vvvvvvvvv
other for unknown by bbbbbbbb
flash for SuperMicor X9DR3-LN4F+ by Guest56
flash for still finding sorry by parmjot
other for unknown by gabu
flash for unknown by gabu
flash for unknown by gabu
flash for unknown by gabu
other for unknown by vvvvvvv
flash for CH341a by edu
flash for unknown by sekret
flash for unknown by sekret
flash for unknown by sekret
flash for Manufacturer: NB01, Product Name: NS50MU by sekret
flash for linux_spi by nexus4eg
flash for ch341 by nexus4eg
flash for ch341 by nexus4eg
flash for Enguarde by Guest14
other for unknown by jsharkey
other for unknown by jsharkey
flash for ? by anonymous
other for ch347 by icon
flash for #flashrom by Guest65
lspci for #flashrom by Guest65
flash for #flashrom by Guest65
other for T470 by icon
other for unknown by bbbbbbbb
other for Asrock Z97 Extreme6 - Broadwell NRI by hell
lspci for libpci on Ubuntu by icon
other for unknown by rizlik
flash for unknown by rizlik
flash for qemu by daniel-pineda
other for unknown by ccccccc
flash for ch341 by oldmx25l6404e
flash for ch341 by newerror
flash for ch341 by mx25l6406e
flash for ch341 by happyman
flash for ch341 by er
flash for ch341a by hghgh
other for unknown by PaulePanter
other for unknown by PaulePanter
other for unknown by PaulePanter
flash for flashrom by guest7
other for other by penguin
other for emulation/qemu-q35 by PaulePanter
other for GA-Q35M-S2 by tokafondo
flash for GA-Q35M-S2 by tokafondo
other for unknown by Test
other for unknown by Test
other for test by icon
flash for T520 by othello7
flash for Asus B450M AC / MX25U12873F by Darbouxe
lspci for unknown by nick
lspci for unknown by nick
other for unknown by ggggggggg
other for unknown by samekh
other for coreboot: grep -r "hyper_threading" src by hell
other for multi-bridge-window allocator thought by icon
flash for meson uninstall vs DESTDIR by icon
other for Prodrive Hermes by hell
other for Prodrive Hermes by hell
other for Prodrive Hermes by hell
lspci for Prodrive Hermes by hell
flash for unknown by heijligen
other for set_flashsize by heijligen
other for unknown by bubblethink
other for all the boards (cloning coreboot) by hell
flash for MS-7752 by guest_#007
lspci for MSI Z370 Tomahawk by hell
flash for openbsd meson tests by heijligen
lspci for unknown by heijligen
other for GRUB payload config by hell
other for Asrock Z97 Extreme6 by hell
other for Asrock Z97 Extreme6 by hell
lspci for Asrock Z97 Extreme6 by hell
other for unknown by kkkkkkk
other for unknown by jjjjjjjjj
flash for Acer E5-573 / Extensa 2511 (Quanta ZRT) by hell