Nick: tokafondo E-mail: none Board: GA-Q35M-S2 Contents: ./ich_descriptors_tool -f /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin -c ich9 -d The flash image has a size of 4194304 [0x400000] bytes. === Content Section === FLVALSIG 0x0ff0a55a FLMAP0 0x04040101 FLMAP1 0x01100206 FLMAP2 0x00000120 --- Details --- NR (Number of Regions): 5 FRBA (Flash Region Base Address): 0x040 NC (Number of Components): 2 FCBA (Flash Component Base Address): 0x010 ISL (ICH/PCH/SoC Strap Length): 1 FISBA/FPSBA (Flash ICH/PCH/SoC Strap Base Addr): 0x100 NM (Number of Masters): 3 FMBA (Flash Master Base Address): 0x060 MSL/PSL (MCH/PROC Strap Length): 1 FMSBA (Flash MCH/PROC Strap Base Address): 0x200 === Component Section === FLCOMP 0x01300012 FLILL 0x00000000 --- Details --- Component 1 density: 2 MB Component 2 density: 2 MB Read Clock Frequency: 20 MHz Read ID and Status Clock Freq.: 20 MHz Write and Erase Clock Freq.: 33 MHz Fast Read is supported. Fast Read Clock Frequency: 33 MHz No forbidden opcodes. === Region Section === FLREG0 0x00000000 FLREG1 0x03ff0300 FLREG2 0x02ff000b FLREG3 0x00020001 FLREG4 0x000a0003 --- Details --- Region 0 (Descr. ) 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff Region 1 (BIOS ) 0x00300000 - 0x003fffff Region 2 (ME ) 0x0000b000 - 0x002fffff Region 3 (GbE ) 0x00001000 - 0x00002fff Region 4 (Platf. ) 0x00003000 - 0x0000afff === Master Section === FLMSTR1 0x1a1b0000 FLMSTR2 0x0c0d0000 FLMSTR3 0x08080218 --- Details --- Descr. BIOS ME GbE Platf. BIOS r rw rw rw ME r rw rw GbE rw === Upper Map Section === FLUMAP1 0x000008ed --- Details --- VTL (length in DWORDS) = 8 VTBA (base address) = 0x000ed0 VSCC Table: 4 entries JID0 = 0x008e25bf VSCC0 = 0x00002009 Manufacturer ID 0xbf, Device ID 0x258e BES=0x1, WG=0, WSR=1, WEWS=0, EO=0x20 JID1 = 0x004125bf VSCC1 = 0x00002009 Manufacturer ID 0xbf, Device ID 0x2541 BES=0x1, WG=0, WSR=1, WEWS=0, EO=0x20 JID2 = 0x001530ef VSCC2 = 0x00002005 Manufacturer ID 0xef, Device ID 0x3015 BES=0x1, WG=1, WSR=0, WEWS=0, EO=0x20 JID3 = 0x001520c2 VSCC3 = 0x00002005 Manufacturer ID 0xc2, Device ID 0x2015 BES=0x1, WG=1, WSR=0, WEWS=0, EO=0x20 === Softstraps === --- North/MCH/PROC (1 entries) --- STRP0 = 0xfffffffc --- South/ICH/PCH (1 entries) --- STRP0 = 0x00886488 The meaning of the descriptor straps are unknown yet. The MAC address might be at offset 0x1000: 00:24:1d:11:fa:68 === Dumping region files === Dumping 4096 bytes of the Descriptor region from 0x00000000-0x00000fff to /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin.Descriptor.bin... done. Dumping 1048576 bytes of the BIOS region from 0x00300000-0x003fffff to /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin.BIOS.bin... done. Dumping 3100672 bytes of the ME region from 0x0000b000-0x002fffff to /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin.ME.bin... done. Dumping 8192 bytes of the GbE region from 0x00001000-0x00002fff to /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin.GbE.bin... done. Dumping 32768 bytes of the Platform region from 0x00003000-0x0000afff to /DATOS/_BIOS/test/bios_backup.bin.Platform.bin... done.