Nick: hell E-mail: NULL Board: How to obtain a coreboot log using flashconsole Contents: 1: Enable CONSOLE_SPI_FLASH in menuconfig/nconfig. 2: Build coreboot with the new settings. 3: Flash the newly-built coreboot image, then boot with it. If flashing internally, please power down the board before booting again. 4: Read the flash chip contents to another file, e.g. `rom.bin`. 5: Run `cbfstool rom.bin read -r CONSOLE -f console.log`, where `rom.bin` is the file from step 4. 6: Put the contents of `console.log` on a paste site (e.g. You may want to trim the `ÿ` characters (unused flash space) at the end of the log. If the log only contains `ÿ` characters, coreboot did not log anything.